bahasa ireland bahasa Inggris
- bahasa: language; languages; tongue; speech
- ireland: irish republic; irish; ireland; hibernia;
- bahasa di ireland: languages of ireland
- bahasa di ireland utara: languages of northern ireland
- wikipedia bahasa ireland: irish wikipedia
- rencana yang mengandungi teks bahasa ireland: articles containing irish-language text
- rencana yang mengandungi teks bahasa ireland primitif: articles containing primitive irish-language text
- ireland: irish republic; irish; ireland; hibernia; republic of ireland; eire; emerald isle
- anjing ireland: irish dogs
- bangsa ireland: irish people
- ekonomi ireland: economy of the republic of ireland
- filem ireland: irish films
- genealogi ireland: irish genealogy
- geografi ireland: geography of ireland
- historiografi ireland: historiography of ireland